Privacy Policy

Personal data

The collection of personal data is carried out in compliance with the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (RGPD).

The User is hereby informed that the personal data marked as mandatory on the forms and collected as part of the service described herein are necessary for the use of the Site. The personal data that BCF Life Sciences collects from the User may include:

  • His name and surname
  • His email address
  • His phone number
  • The name of his company
  • His IP address

Processing implemented by purpose :

Receipt of requests made via the contact form on the BCF Life Sciences site
Sub-goal: Management of follow-up to contact requests received

Person in charge of the treatmentt Legal basis Shelf life Recipients of the data Transfer outside the EU
BCF Life Sciences Art.6(1)f: Legitimate interest of the data controller 3 years from the last contact Intern: Persons authorized to process data within the organization
External: No

Logging of access and use of the BCF Life Sciences site
Sub-purpose: Control of intrusion attempts

Person in charge of the treatment Legal basis Shelf life Recipients of the data Transfer outside the EU
BCF Life Sciences Art.6(1)c: Compliance with legal obligations 12 months from the date of data collection Intern: Persons authorized to process data within the organization
External: Any authority legally authorized to access the data

Processing and response to RGPD requests received electronically and by post
Sub-finality: Litigation Management

Person in charge of the treatment Legal basis Shelf life Recipients of the data Transfer outside the EU
BCF Life Sciences Art.6(1)c : Compliance with legal obligations 12 months from the collection of the data Intern: Persons authorized to process data within the organization
External: No

Exercise of rights

In accordance with the GDPR, Users have the following rights:

  • Exercise their right of access to know the personal data concerning them;
  • To ask for the update of their personal data;
  • Request the deletion of their personal data;
  • Request the limitation of the processing of their personal data;
  • Exercise their right to the portability of their personal data;
  • Withdraw their consent where the processing is based on consent;
  • Define directives concerning the fate of their data after their death.

To exercise these rights, send an e-mail to contact(a) The legal deadline to answer you is 1 month. Depending on the complexity or the number of requests, this period may be extended by two months.

If you believe that your data is not being processed in accordance with the applicable regulations, you can file a complaint with the CNIL (01 53 73 22 22 –


A cookie is a small computer file, a tracer, deposited and read, for example, when consulting a website, reading an e-mail, installing or using a software or a mobile application, regardless of the type of terminal used. You can configure your browser to block these cookies, knowing that certain sections of the site may not function properly.

The following is a list of the cookies we use, their purpose, and how long they are stored in your web browser:

Name Area Purpose Expiration
_visitor Hirello Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the site anonymously 13 months from the date of collection of the data

Updated on 16/11/2022