BCF Life Sciences,
expert in Free Amino Acids since 1986

Logo BCF Life Sciences

BCF Life Sciences, European specialist in the extraction of Free Amino Acids

  • We only sell what we produce
  • An industrial site located in France
  • Our products are geared towards the human, animal and plant health markets.
  • A unique raw material sourced locally, keratin from poultry feathers
  • An internal analysis laboratory for a liberating quality control procedure
Picto ampoule création BCF Life Sciences


Creation of the company

Picto France


Made in France

Picto Contrôle laboratoire

Laboratory control

Internal quality

Picto roues ancrées

Food Grade

Industrial site


Our vision of BCF Life Sciences is based on a development project aimed at building a hyper-specialist, innovative company. A recognized know-how (Free Amino Acid extraction), strongly oriented towards international markets and operating on niche markets in human, animal or plant nutrition and health (biostimulants).

The BCF Life Sciences industrial site is located in Pleucadeuc, in southern Brittany

BCF Life Sciences operates on a 15 ha Food Grade production site located in Pleucadeuc, in Morbihan (Brittany) and registered under the ICPE regime. Our site operates 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

A mastered know-how and a manufacturing process unique in Europe

Created in 1986, BCF Life Sciences is the French specialist in the extraction of Free Amino Acids from keratin.

Our manufacturing process consists of extracting the amino acids that constitute the keratin protein to obtain a mix of 17 free amino acids in L-form.

Schéma de procédé de fabrication de BCF Life Sciences

A continuous improvement approach for quality products that respect the environment